Is Blood Group Essential?

In 1901, Karl Landsteiner described three main blood groups: A, B, and C (he later renamed C to O after the German Ohne, meaning without, zero, or null).

A year later, Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli, two colleagues of Landsteiner, identified a fourth blood group – A.B.


  1. Introduction:
  2. Classification:
    1. Table to show blood groups
  3. Secretors” and “Non-secretors”:
    1.  When does the blood group system appear?
    2. Agglutination:
    3. Gradation of agglutination:
    4. Mechanism of agglutination
  4. Serum typing:
    1. Landsteiner’s law –

A variety of genetically determined antigens, known as agglutinogens or isoantigens, are present on the surfaces of red blood corpuscles. These antigens decide a person’s blood group.

The plasma contains antibodies called agglutinins.


Human blood is classified based on the presence or absence of inherited antigens on the surface of red blood cells. The International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) reported 41 human blood group systems, out of which the two most common blood groups are the ABO system and the Rh system. Others are M.N. systems: Lutheran, Kell system, and many others. 

The well-known systems are the ABO system and the Rh system. In the ABO system, blood is categorized into four main types: A, B, AB, and O.

According to the Rh factor system, blood is either Rh-positive or Rh-negative. These two systems define eight main blood types: A+, A-,B+, B-, AB+,AB-,O+, and O-. 

Table to show blood groups

Blood groupAntigen of ABO systemRh factor

Agglutinogens, isoantigens, or antigens A, B, and O are group-specific substances present on the membranes of human RBCs. They are found on the surface of other cells like the pancreas, liver, and lungs. Antigens on red blood cells are glycolipids, and those on other tissues and body fluids are soluble glycoproteins.

Chemically A, B, are complex oligosaccharides with the glycoprotein and glycolipids. A and B are water-soluble; therefore, they appear in the body secretions, for example, saliva, semen, tears, urine, etc.

Secretors” and “Non-secretors”:

Agglutinogen A and B are present on the membrane of the RBC and also on other body cells, for example, liver, kidney, and body fluids such as saliva, semen, pancreatic juice, etc.

Secretors have high concentrations of these agglutinogens in their body fluids.

Non-secretors have low concentrations of these agglutinogens in their body fluids.

 When does the blood group system appear?

The ABO system first appears in the 6th week of intrauterine life. At birth, its concentration is 1/5th of adult life. The ABO system develops appropriately during the first year of life and rises during puberty in children.

In the ABO system of blood group, agglutinogens are of two types, A and B . Blood groups in the ABO system are of four types: A, B, AB, and O. The O group is the most common 46%, followed by A 42%, B 9%, and A.B. is only 3%.

The ABO system is described along with the Rh- system. Depending on the presence or absence of agglutinogens, humans are grouped into different blood groups: A positive, A negative, B positive, B negative, A.B. positive, A.B. negative, O positive, and O negative. According to the Rh system, blood may be Rh-positive or Rh-negative. 85% population is Rh-positive, but it varies. Blacks in Africa are 100% Rh-positive.

Several Rh antigens and antibodies exist in humans, but D and Anti-D are prevalent. For antigen D, a gene is known as D. When it is present, the person is Rh-positive. On the other hand, when D is absent from the chromosomes, its position is occupied by d, an allelomorph of D, then the person is Rh-negative.

Blood types are inherited from both parents. The blood group is determined by two genes that come from each parent. Antigens are genetically determined. Three genes, A, B, and O, produce the group-specific antigens A.B. and O. The genes A and B are easily demonstrated, but O is hard to establish. Therefore, it is said O does not have a corresponding gene.

 Antigen O is recessive, which means if a person receives A from one parent and O from others, his blood group will be A. If he gets O from both, his blood group will be O. It can be like this

If a person receives 

 gene                             A+A or A+O    B+B or B+O          A+ B        O+O

His genotype is                AA/AO             BB/BO                 AB         OO

His blood group is                 A                      B,                      AB,             O

If a person’s blood group is A, his genotype may be A.A. (homozygous) or A.O. (heterozygous). Likewise, if a person’s blood group is B, his genotype may be B B (homozygous) or B.O. (heterozygous).

If a person receives from his parents a D.D. Dd                dd

His genotype                                                D& D            D&d          d & d

His Rh status                                     Rh-positive,   Rh-positive,      Rh-negative

                                                            homozygous, heterozygous,  homozygous

Usually, antigen D and anti D both are absent in Rh-negative persons. However, anti-D may be formed in some conditions in Rh-negative persons. For example, it is created in an Rh-negative mother if the fetus is Rh-positive and his blood, as little as 0.5ml, gets mixed with her blood, or Rh-positive blood is given to an Rh-negative person. As a result, agglutinins or antibodies are present in the plasma. They are also known as isohaemaglutinins.

Types of agglutinins:

Agglutinin: anti-A or α —This will react with the antigen A,

Agglutinin: anti-B or β –This will react with the antigen B and

Usually, agglutinin,anti-O, is not present. Rarely, anti-O is formed after repeated blood transfusions of blood group O.

Agglutinins present in some newborns are of maternal origin. Their agglutinin appears in 10 days, rises slowly to a peak in 10 years, and then declines.

Distibution of agglutinins

in blood group:

Blood group         Agglutinogen or antigen       Agglutinins or antibody

A                                    A                                               β

B                                    B                                                α

AB                                  AB                                            —

O                                     —-                                            αβ


In this process, the agglutinogen of the red blood cells reacts with its specific agglutinin, destroying red blood cells.

Agglutination occurs when agglutinin Anti A is mixed with A, red blood cells. Agglutinogen O, as well as agglutinin O, are not present in the blood. For proper agglutination, the concentration of agglutinogen and agglutinin must be equal. If the difference is significant, agglutination may be doubtful. This is a “zone” phenomenon.

Gradation of agglutination:

1+ Many small aggregates with some free red blood cells.

2+ Medium size agglutinates, no free red blood cells.

3+ Several large agglutinates.

4+ A single large agglutinate.

Mechanism of agglutination

Agglutination is a reaction between agglutinogen and agglutinin. It occurs in two stages: sensitization and agglutination proper.

Sensitization – agglutinin binds with agglutinogen.

Agglutination proper-sensitized red blood cells form clumps, and hemolysis occurs. In addition, the agglutinogen and agglutinin reaction activates the complement system that releases proteolytic enzymes, which aids in hemolysis.

Serum typing:

A person’s Serum is tested against red blood cells containing known antigens.

The Serum is tested with

RBC of blood/ RBC of blood/ RBC of blood/ RBC of blood / Blood group Of/    Antibody in

group A               group B           group A.B. group O        person whose         serum

                                                                                                       serum is tested


+                                +                        +                       –               O                          Anti-A,Anti-B

–                                 –                        –                       –                AB                        no antibody

+                                –                         +                    –                    B                        Anti-A   

–                                +                        +                    –                    A                        Anti-B

In leukemias, in which RBC antigens may become very weak, serum typing is performed with blood grouping or blood typing.

In some infections, especially Pseudomonas infection, the RBC may agglutinate by all agglutinins. This agglutination is due to the unmasking of hidden antigens.

Serum typing is also known as “reverse blood typing” or “backward blood typing.”

Landsteiner’s law :

If an agglutinogen is present in RBC, the corresponding agglutinin must be absent from the plasma. Conversely, the corresponding agglutinin must be present if the agglutinogen is missing.

1st part is a logical outcome. The 2nd part is valid only for the classical blood group-ABO system. In some blood group systems, agglutinogen and agglutinin are both absent. For example, Rh agglutinogen and Anti-Rh agglutinin are both absent.

Why is blood grouping done?

1. For blood transfusion. 

2. To detect Rh-compatibility.

3. For medicolegal purposes. 

Rare and Rarest Blood Groups


A variety of genetically determined antigens, known as agglutinogens or isoantigens, are present on the surfaces of red blood corpuscles. These antigens decide a person’s blood group.

The plasma contains antibodies called agglutinins.

Who discovered

In 1901, Karl Landsteiner described three main blood groups: A, B, and C (he later renamed C to O after the German Ohne, meaning without, zero, or null).

A year later, Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli, two colleagues of Landsteiner, identified a fourth blood group – A.B.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction:
  2. Who discovered
  3. 1. ABO Subgroups:
  4. 2. Bombay Blood Group (Oh) or HH blood type:
  5. 3. Duffy Blood Group:
  6. 4. Diego Blood Group
  7. 5. Kidd Blood Group:
  8. 6. Langereis Blood Group:
  9. 7. Vel Blood Group:
  10. Etiology
  11. The causes of the high incidence of Golden blood type are
  12. Internal links:
  13. External links:
  • Rare blood groups:

Rare blood groups:

There are several rare blood groups beyond the commonly known ABO and Rh systems. Some of these include:

1. ABO Subgroups:

The AB-negative blood group is one of the rarest of the eight common blood groups, in less than (one)1 % of the world’s population.

AB-negative individuals are universal blood recipients and plasma donors. They can receive blood from any group but only donate blood to the AB type. AB-negative blood has both A and B antigens and lacks Rh D antigen on its red blood cell membranes, but there are no antibodies in the plasma.

O negative blood type is a universal blood donor.

Within the ABO system, there are rare subgroups, such as A3, Ax, Am, and others, which have unique antigens.

2. Bombay Blood Group (Oh) or HH blood type:

This is a scarce blood type; occurrence is 4 /million of the world’s population.

Individuals with this blood type lack the H antigen, the precursor to the A and B antigens. People with Bombay blood type are also O-negative.

The absence of the H antigen causes Bombay blood type, which makes it very rare and challenging to find compatible blood for transfusions.

An individual with the Bombay blood group can donate blood to someone with the ABO system. However, he can only take blood from individuals with Bombay blood type.

3. Duffy Blood Group:

This group includes rare antigens like Fya, Fyb, Fyx, and Fy3. They are particularly relevant for people of African descent.

4. Diego Blood Group

This includes Diego a and Diego b antigens and is more commonly found in South American and Asian populations.

5. Kidd Blood Group:

Includes Jka and Jkb antigens and is relatively rare.

6. Langereis Blood Group:

This is extremely rare and involves the absence of the Kx antigen.

7. Vel Blood Group:

Individuals with this blood type lack the Vel antigen.

These are just a few examples, and many other rare blood group systems and variants exist within them. Due to their rarity, blood banks must maintain supplies of these types for individuals who may need them.

The Rarest Blood Type

The Golden or “Rh null” blood group is the rarest blood type.

The golden blood group is the rarest blood type; only 60 people worldwide have this blood type, which is why the Rh null blood type is known as the golden blood type.

All 61 possible Rh antigens are absent in a person having Rh null blood type.


A genetic mutation causes the golden or “Rh null” blood type. Usually, the mutation is in the RHAG gene, which codes the Rh-associated glycoprotein that directs the Rh antigen to the red blood cell membrane.

Hereditary Staphylococcus is also associated with RHAG gene mutation. This disease is characterized by increased red blood cell breakdown, leading to chronic mild to moderate anemia.

The causes of the high incidence of Golden blood type are

1. Consanguineous marriage

2. Autosomal genes -abnormal genes.

3. Mutation or complete deletion of certain RHD or RHAG genes.

The golden blood type is prevalent in Aboriginal Australians.

Complications :

1. Mild to moderate degree of hemolysis due to

1. Abnormal red cell membrane

2. More fragile due to lack of Rh antigen.

3. Less elastic cell membrane.

4. Altered cell volume and

5. Abnormal shape of cells.

The rapid hemolysis leads to mild to moderate hemolytic anemia since birth.

2. Blood transfusion

Individuals with Rh-null can only receive blood from others of the same blood type. Since Rh-null blood is rare, finding compatible blood for transfusions can be challenging in emergencies.

Rh null blood type is a universal donor as it lacks antigens on RBCs.This blood can be given to anyone. However, a person with Rh null blood type must receive only Rh null; otherwise, there may be a severe mismatched blood transfusion reaction.

3. Rh incompatibility during pregnancy- Rh null mother and positive fetus.

4. An infection may accelerate hemolysis, leading to a hemolytic crisis, which can damage multiple organs, especially the kidneys.

5. Limited Blood Supply: Due to its rarity, Rh-null blood is limited in availability for individuals who require transfusions, especially in regions with smaller blood donor pools.

6. Emotional Impact: The knowledge of having such a rare blood type and its potential complications can also have emotional impacts on individuals and their families.

The “golden blood” refers to Rh-null blood type, which is extremely rare. While individuals with Rh-null blood are often referred to as “golden blood” because their blood can be used for transfusions by nearly anyone with a rare blood type, there can be complications associated with having this blood type:

Despite these potential complications, individuals with Rh-null blood play a crucial role in providing life-saving transfusions to others with rare blood types.

2. What Type Of Blood Is Rare? – The Things People Ask.

3. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria: Causes, Treatment Methods | DocHospitals.

Blood for test

           Prebiotics: Definition|Types|source |Functions

Welcome to our exploration of prebiotics, the unsung heroes of our digestive system. In this article, we will delve into their importance, their sources, and much more.


Human physiology| Self-care |Wellness|Prebiotics |Gut microbes|Probiotics.

Table of contents:

What are prebiotics?

Source of prebiotics.

Benefits of Prebiotics.

Daily recommended dose.

Side effects

Who shouldn’t take prebiotics


What are prebiotics?

Prebiotics are plant fibers in our food that are not digested by our gut and move to the large intestine, where they are broken down and fermented by gut microbes.

The microbiota receives nutrients from these prebiotics and other degradation products, such as short-chain fatty acids like lactic, butyric, and propionic acids. These short-chain fatty acids pass into the blood circulation to produce effects on the gut and other organs.

Remember, all dietary fibers are not prebiotics.

Prebiotics are low molecular weight biomolecules with 3 to 10 sugar moieties. They possess beta glycosidic bonds, due to which human salivary and pancreatic amylases fail to hydrolyze them.

A Prebiotic is “a non-digestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon, thus improving host health.”

[Playne, M. J. (2008). Prebiotic Carbohydrates and Gut Microflora. Australasian Biotechnology.;dn=417578814291406;res=IELHEA%5D

In other words, “Dietary prebiotic is a selectively fermentable ingredient that results in specific changes in the composition and activity of GIT microbiota, thus conferring benefits upon host health.”

[What the EPA’s Relaxed Mileage Standards Mean for the Air Purifier Industry – Air Filters for Clean Air.

Characteristic of prebiotic

Prebiotic foods are high in particular types of fiber that support digestive health.

They are resistant to acidic stomach media and should be stable across a wide range of gut pH.

Digestive enzymes and the digestive tract can’t hydrolyze them and can’t absorb them.

They can be fermented by gut microbiota.

Prebiotics stimulate beneficial gut microbiota.

Non-digestible dietary substances fermented by beneficial gut microbiota are prebiotics.


Various compounds function as prebiotics, but three main groups of prebiotics are naturally present in our foods.

1. Fructo-oligosaccharides

2. Galacto-oligosaccharides, and

3. Trans galacto- oligosaccharides

Fermentable carbohydrates derived from fructans and xylans are examples of prebiotics.

Gut microbes have beneficial and harmful proportions and are maintained in a balanced proportion. An abundant number of beneficial or healthy microbes is essential for our health. Healthy gut microbes receive nutrition and grow in our large intestine.

Source of prebiotics:

Prebiotics are widely distributed in nature. A balanced diet is the chief source of prebiotics. They are present in

1. Fruits like apples, bananas, berries

2. Whole grains like wheat, wheat bran, Seaweed, barley, oats, legumes, cereals, peas, and beans.

3. Green vegetables

4. Miscellaneous like garlic, onions, flaxseed, cocoa.

Babies get prebiotics from their mother’s milk.

Benefits of Prebiotics

1. Provide nutrition to your gut bacteria.

2. Help to absorb calcium.

3. It helps to slow the digestion and absorption of sugar and affects the glycemic index, which is crucial to controlling obesity.

4. Ferment foods rapidly.

5. Prevent constipation.

6. Prevent the occurrence of colon carcinoma.

7. Maintain the health of gut mucosa.

8. Help in the management of irritable bowel syndrome.

Daily recommended dose:

At least 5 grams of prebiotics daily in your diet.

Side effects

Side effects are not reported and are rare, but too much can lead to gas and pain in the abdomen.

Who shouldn’t take prebiotics?

Do not take prebiotics if you suffer from some diseases like Irritable bowel syndrome) or Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).


Cooking alters the fiber content of foods, so to gain the full benefits, try to consume them raw rather than cooked.

There is a wide variety of options available in the market. You can choose as you like. Prebiotic foods can be found in your local market at a reasonable, affordable price for your gut.

Remember to eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits, green vegetables, and whole grains.


Q1 What is probiotics?

A1 Probiotics should not be confused with prebiotics. Probiotics are live yeast and healthy bacteria present in our food. We get probiotics from our food.


Credit to Terje Sollie on

Probiotic supplements

A balanced diet is a good source of probiotics. In case of need probiotic supplements may be taken.

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Antioxidants| Self care| Health

This article defines antioxidants and discusses different types of antioxidants. Here, learn about the mode of action of antioxidants and more.

Keywords:   Antioxidant |Self health| wellness | self care| Exogenous| endogenous|free radicals| primary|co-enzyme Q-10| curcuminoids|antioxidant paradox

 Table of contents

  1. Definition: 
    1. Types: 
    2. It may be classified in two broad headings:
    3. The primary antioxidants are:
    4. Indirect antioxidants: 
    5. Some trace elements are integral to cytochrome c and help in antioxidant enzyme formation and activities.
    6. Accessory antioxidants: 
  2. Sources of antioxidants :
  3. Mode of action: 
    1. Antioxidant paradox: 
    2. Conclusion:
  4. FAQ:


This article is part of my mission to provide trustworthy recent health information to support the general public, patients, and professionals globally.

Here you will find human Physiology, Anatomy, and health-related topics.

This article is intended for an international audience of medical students, medical care providers, and learners.

This activity aims for learners to better apply the latest scientific knowledge.

Upon completing the article, you will have increased knowledge regarding the subject and use it with great confidence.


Antioxidants are substances or molecules that neutralize or remove the free radicals and prevent their formation. In addition, they perform various critical bodily functions and are essential for a healthy life.

Antioxidants prevent the autooxidation of fats, thus reducing the formation of free radicals and reacting with formed free radicals.

Antioxidants are essential for life.


It may be classified in two broad headings:

1. Water-soluble- soluble in water, therefore present in and outside the cell, for example, Vitamin C.

2. Lipid soluble-soluble in lipids and are present on the cell membrane, for example, Vitamin E.(Latin vita life +amine)

Antioxidants, such as glutathione, may be endogenous-produced in the body. The number of endogenous antioxidants is less and fails to react with many free radicals.

Exogenous antioxidants are from external sources -food. Their primary source is healthy food.

The primary antioxidants are:

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex, Betacarotene, Bioflavonoids, Lipoic acid, Glutathione, and sulfur-containing compounds capable of donating hydrogen atoms.

Indirect antioxidants: 

Some trace elements are integral to cytochrome c and help in antioxidant enzyme formation and activities.

1. Selenium helps form glutathione peroxidase.

2. Zinc: helps form Superoxide dismutase in the cytoplasm.

3. Copper contributes to the formation of Superoxide dismutase in the cytoplasm.

4. Iron: aids in the formation of catalases. Catalases convert hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to water.

5. Chromium: reduces formation of free radicals during energy production.

6. Manganese: produces Superoxide dismutase, which dismutates the Superoxide anion radicals in the mitochondria.

Accessory antioxidants: 

Examples are co-enzyme Q-10, curcuminoids, etc.

Sources of antioxidants :

Plant-based foods are good sources of antioxidants—whole grains, fruits, vegetables, berries, green tea, and dark chocolates.

Animal sources are not good sources of antioxidants.

Mode of action: 

Antioxidants provide electrons, so unpaired free radical electrons become paired. This is, of course, a straightforward explanation of how antioxidants work.

Antioxidant paradox

An excess of anything is wrong is an old proverb; the same is true for an excess of antioxidants. Excess antioxidants can produce toxic and harmful effects by promoting oxidative damage, and even death may occur.


Antioxidant-rich food, whole cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits, and a healthy lifestyle are superior to antioxidant-rich food supplements for a healthy person.

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All it takes is self-awareness and action in the right direction. Build good habits, and bad habits will disappear spontaneously. Do not try to eliminate bad habits.

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This article (piece) helps you provide a level of awareness that you can use to eliminate habits that are holding you back. Remember, nobody’s perfect.

All it takes is self-awareness and action in the right direction. Build good habits, and bad habits will disappear. Do not try to eliminate bad habits.

We do not try to remove darkness; we ignite light, put on light, and darkness will disappear.

Disclaimer: All possible measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information; however, ‘’ does not take any liability for using any information provided by the website solely to the viewers. ‘The information is provided as an educational service and public awareness. It is not medical advice. We advise you to review a reference book in case of any doubt and more accurate and advanced knowledge.

In case of any medical health issue, we advise you to seek the advice of a qualified doctor and follow his instructions.


Q1. What are primary antioxidants?

A. The primary antioxidants are:

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex, Betacarotene, Bioflavonoids, Lipoic acid, Glutathione, and sulfur-containing compounds capable of donating hydrogen atoms.

Q 2. What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are substances or molecules that neutralize or remove the free radicals and prevent their formation. In addition, they perform various critical bodily functions and are essential for a healthy life.

Antioxidants prevent the autooxidation of fats, thus reducing the formation of free radicals and reacting with formed free radicals.

Hey, Hydrate Yourself ! Importance of Hydration |How Water Affects Your Body?

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration?

How can you stay hydrated?

Who is more vulnerable to dehydration?

Why is hydration important?

Ways to Stay Hydrated in Summer?

How much water you should drink to stay hydrated?

Meta description: Drinking adequate water is a simple but ignored part of diet and self-care. For older people, drinking plenty of water is more important.

Keywords: Self care | Summer|Fluid |Water | wellbeing |Human Physiology |Prevention|Body water |Nutrition | Dehydration| Signs | symptoms

Table of contents:

Color of Urine:

Urine Colour Chart

Proper hydration is vital for overall good health. Drink an adequate amount of liquids to maintain a healthy fluid level.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration?

Signs and symptoms of dehydration are:

1. Intense desire to drink water.

2. Dryness of throat, mouth, tongue, lips and eyes.

3. Weakness, lethargy, and tiredness.

4. Dizziness, lack of concentration, unconsciousness, and fainting.

5. Urine volume will decrease and become dark-colored (Some medicines may change the color of your urine.)

6. Skin becomes dry and lusterless.

7. Rapid thready pulse, rapid heart rate.

8. Rapid breathing.

If not treated at this stage, the degree of dehydration increases.

Severe dehydration is a medical emergency. Early vigorous treatment will save a life. Prompt fluid replacement will revert the condition. Otherwise, the person becomes unconscious, convulsions will occur, urine formation stops, and damage to multiple organs will develop rapidly, leading to death.

Therefore, maintain your hydration and protect your health. Drink water( fluid) for your overall health.

How can you stay hydrated?

Knowledge about total body water clarifies our concept of maintaining hydration. Drink plenty of water before you feel thirsty.

Total body water is distributed in the following compartments :

1. Extracellular fluid 20% of body weight 14 L

a. Interstitial fluid and 11 L

b. Blood Plasma 3L.

c. Transcellular Fluid 1-2 L.

2. Intracellular fluid. about 40% 28 L

The blood volume of adults is about 80 ml/kg of body weight, which is 8% of the total body weight. The average volume is 5L.

Blood Plasma is about 3L.

Transcellular fluid is usually not taken into account in calculations. It is present in the third space—in the organs, for example, the gastrointestinal tract, the cerebrospinal space as cerebrospinal fluid, the urinary bladder, and other organs.

These data may vary depending on many factors, such as methodology and sample size.

Average total body water

Total body water depends on age, sex, and adiposity.

In males -60% of body weight. In males range is 58 ± 8 %.’

In females -50-55% of body weight. In females range is 48 ± 6%.’

In obese people -45% of body weight. Because fat tissue contains only 10% of water, while muscle tissue contains 75%.

In infants -65-70% of body weight.

For example, water in a person of 60 kg is 60×60=3600/100 =36 liter. Or 36 kilograms.

Sources of water gain

Total body water –water comes into the body by:

1. Liquid ingestion and water in food -2100 ml/day varies according to habits, climate, etc.

2. Formed in the body from metabolism. Due to the oxidation of carbohydrates -200 ml/day.

Total =2300 ml/day.

Chart showing % of water intake in health

Sources of water loss:

Water loss from the body

1. Insensible water loss from skin:350 ml/day

2. Insensible water loss from lungs:350 ml/day.

3. Sweat ——————————- 100ml/day.

4. Faeces——————————— 100 ml/day.

5.Urine ———————————–1400 ml/day.

Chart showing % of water loss from the human body

In normal conditions, we lose about 2500 milliliters of water from our bodies in 24 hours; therefore, we must replenish this loss.

We must drink water before we feel thirsty.

How do we measure this volume?

You may be thinking about how to measure the volume, but it is easy.

A standard glass contains about 300 ml of water. Eight glasses of water in a day is all you have to drink.

Drinking water

Who is more vulnerable to dehydration?

Anyone can become dehydrated,

Dehydration may affect anyone, but the following groups are more vulnerable:

1. Newborns and infants are more prone to develop dehydration. Water content in infants and newborns is 70-75% of their weight. Their body weight is less, and they suffer from dehydration; even a tiny volume of fluid is lost.

2. Older people are less sensitive about their water needs and are reluctant to drink water.

3. People suffering from some diseases like diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

4. Alcoholics

5. Athletes.

6. Heavy physical workers.

Main causes of dehydration

Many factors are responsible for dehydration:

1. Not drinking an adequate amount of water.

2. Not able to absorb water from the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Rapid water(fluid) loss from the body, like vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive sweating.

4. Fever, some diseases like diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus.

Why is hydration important?

Fluid (water) contributes about 60% of body weight. Life is not possible without water. It is present everywhere in our bodies: in the cell, outside the cell, in tissues, in organs, and the body spaces. It performs many functions.

Some functions to mention are:

Water is present in the cell, essential for all its functions. It maintains cell shape and size, both critical for cell survival. If water comes out of the cell, it shrinks, and its function is disturbed.

Memory, mood, and cognition functions depend on the proper amount of fluid in the cell.

It is present in the plasma and acts as a transporter.

Water is adequate for weight loss and weight management.

It is vital in temperature regulation.

Prevents stone formation in kidneys and gall bladder.

It maintains joint integrity-volume of synovial fluid.

Water improves detoxification.

Water helps remove waste through urine.

Maintains health and glow of the skin.

Tips to maintain your water intake!

1. Do not ignore when you feel thirsty. Drink before you are thirsty.

2. Eat high water content fruits, vegetables, and foods.

3. Keep a water bottle with you.

4. Drink before exercise and go outside.

5. Check your urine for its volume and color.

6. Avoid drinks with caffeine and excess sugar.

Tags: Self care #Fluid and Electrolytes # Water # wellbeing #Human Physiology #Prevention # Body water# Nutrition

Internal links:

Protect yourself from Heatstroke.

What is Aquaporin

      Total Body Water

External links:


Q1. What can I add to water to make it more palatable?

A. You may add lemon or lime to make water more palatable

Q2. Why drink fluid before going outdoors?

A. Drinking water before going outdoors is beneficial as it helps to pre-hydrate your body, preparing it for the upcoming heat and potential fluid loss.

  1. Ways to Stay Hydrated in Summer?
  2. Who is more vulnerable to dehydration?

         सतुआनी 2024 | Satuani| Basakhi| Hindi

परिचय : भारतवर्ष पर्वो का देश हैं | कुछ बहुत ही  महत्वपूर्ण  होते  हैं | आज के व्यस्त जीवन में युवा पीढ़ी पर्वो के महत्व को भूलते जा रहें है | हर पर्व का महत्व  होता है ,इसके विशेष में जागरूकता के लिए इस लेख को पढ़ना जरुरी है |

KEYWORD :  मेष संक्रांति| संक्रांति | पर्व | भारतवर्ष|

सतुआनी  महापर्व


  1. सतुआनी | मेष संक्रांति कब मनाया जाता है 
  2. सतुआनी | मेष संक्रांति पर्व क्या है ?
  3. सतुआनी कैसे मनाया  जाता है ?
  4. सत्तुआनी  काहे मानते है ? 
  5. सत्तुआनी का महत्व ?
  6. सामाजिक एवं व्यपारिक महत्व
    1. अस्वीकरण :  

सतुआनी | मेष संक्रांति पर्व क्या है ?

सतुआनी ,मेष संक्रांति भारतवर्ष का एक महत्वपूर्ण पर्व है इस दिन चना का सेतु ,गुड़ ,आम का टिकोला ( कच्चा छोटा आम)  गुड़ की बनी मिठाई खाने और बाटने का रिवाज़ है | 

देश के अलग अलग भाग में सतुआनी  अलग अलग नाम से जाना जाता है | जैसे की पंजाब में बैसाखी ,आसाम में बिहू ,केरल में विशु ,तमिलनाडु में पुशंडु ,विषुवत संक्रांति एवं बंगाल में पोहला बैसाख के नाम से मनाया जाता है | इसे सिरुआ विसुवा एवं बैशाखी भी कहते है | 

 सतुआनी  महापर्व हिन्दुओं ,सिखों एवं बोद्धों  के लिए खास महत्त्व का है |  

सतुआनी प्रकृति से जुड़ा हुआ महापर्व है | 

सतुआनी | मेष संक्रांति कब मनाया जाता है 

हर हिन्दू पर्व की तरह ही मेष  संक्रांति को मनाने की तारीख में भी संसय हो जाता है | परन्तु हर साल की तरह इस साल भी १४ अप्रैल २०२4 को मनाया जाएगा | 

वैशाख के प्रारंभ होने पर सत्तुआनी का महापर्व उत्तर भारत में कई जगहों पे मनाया जाता है | इस वर्ष सत्तुआनी का महापर्व १४ अप्रैल को मनाया जायेगा | १४ अप्रैल को सूर्य मीन राशि से मेष राशि में प्रवेश करतें है ,इसे मेष संक्रांति भी कहतें है| इस के कारण सत्तुआनी का महापर्व  मनाया जाता है | यह पर्व खास कर के बिहार,झारखण्ड उत्तर प्रदेश में मनाया जाता है ,परन्तु अन्य राज्यों में इस पर्व को अलग अलग नाम से मनाया जाता है | परन्तु इसे पंजाब में बैसाखी ,आसाम में बिहू ,केरल में विशु ,तमिलनाडु में पुशंडु ,विषुवत संक्रांति एवं बंगाल में पोहला बैसाख के नाम से मनाया जाता है | इसे सिरुआ विसुवा एवं बैशाखी भी कहते है |  

 इस साल सतुआनी  हिन्दू पंचांग के अनुसार  १४ अप्रैल ,और हिन्दू मास के वैशाख माह को  पूरी आस्था एवं हर्सोउल्लास  से मनाया जायेगा | इस संक्रांति पर सूर्य भगवान उत्तरायण की आधी परिक्रमा पूरी कर चुके होते हैं | इस संक्रांति के साथ वैशाख माह शुरु हो जाता है | 

इस से इस का एहसास होता है की मौसम अब तेजी से गरम होगा | और जीव जंतु गर्मी से परेशान होंगे | पहले संचार व्यबस्था नहीं थी तो इसी तरह के पर्वो से मौसम का पता चलता था | 

सतुआनी कैसे मनाया  जाता है ?

इस दिन लोग पवित्र नदियों में स्नान कर सूर्य भगवान एवं अन्य भगवान की पूजा अर्चना करते हैं | गंगा स्नान  का विशेष महत्व है | सूर्य भगवान को सतु  , गुड़,टिकोला ( कच्चा आम) मिठाई  इत्यादि चढ़ाते है और उसके बाद प्रसाद के रुप में  ग्रहण करते हैं | इस दिन  सतु  , गुड़,टिकोला ( कच्चा आम) मिठाई  एवं अन्य सामाग्री दान करने का खास महत्व है | भगवान प्रसन्न  होने पर सुख, शांति शक्ति धन एवं  यश प्रदान करते है | 

इस दिन स्नान दान का खास महत्व है | नदी के किनारे मेला लगता है ,जहाँ खास कर माटी के घड़ा सुराही इत्यादि के समान बेचे एवं खरीदे जाते है | 

मान्यता है की माँ गंगा नदी इसी दिन धरती पर अवतरित हुई थी |  

कोई भी पर्व स्वादिस्ट भोजन के बिना पुरा नहीं होता है ,तो इस पर्व मे भी  कई तरह के स्वादिस्ट पकवान बनाने एवं खाने का प्रचलन है | इस दिन खास कर सत्तू ,सत्तू से निर्मित खाने एवं आम झोरा ,गुड़,टिकोला खाने का प्रचलन है | 

    इस दिन ‘बासी खाने कि परंपरा है | मान्यता है की मेष संक्रांति के समय सूर्य एवं चाँद के रौशनी से अमृत वर्षा होती है,जो रात में रखे खाने में संग्रह हो जाता है | जिससे रात में रखे खाना  (बासी) खाने से स्वाथ्य ठीक रहता है | इस कारण लोग रात में कुछ खाद्य प्रदार्थ रख देते है और सुबह खाते है | 

    इस के दूसरे दिन यानि १५ अप्रैल को ‘जुड़ शीतल का त्यौहार मनाया जायेगा |  

सत्तुआनी  काहे मानते है ? 

   इस समय रबी की फसल पक जाती है | कटाई हो कर ये फसल घर आ जाता है| जिससे जन मानस खुसी मनाते है | प्रचुर मात्रा में फसल होने के लिए लोग भगवान एवं प्रकृति को धन्यवाद देते है और उनकी पूजा अर्चना करते है | 

सत्तुआनी का महत्व ?

हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार इस दिन से सौर्य नव वर्ष की शुरुआत होती है| सतुआनी मानाने की बहुत पुरानी परंपरा है|  

प्राचीन काल में जब आज के तरह कोल्ड ड्रिंक्स नहीं थे तो आम झोरा ही शीतलता प्रदान करता था | आज भी यह जनसाधारण के मन मानस में है और गर्मी एवं लू से बचने के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है | कुछ विद्वानों के अनुसार यह आज के कोल्ड ड्रिंक्स से बहुत ज्यादा लाभप्रद है | 

 इसी तरह प्राचीन काल में जब आज के तरह फ्रीज़ नहीं थे तो पानी को ठंडा रखने के   लिए माटी के घड़ा सुराही इत्यादि  का इस्तमाल होता था | इस दिन से माटी के घड़ा सुराही इत्यादि  समान बेचे एवं खरीदे जाते है | इससे कुम्हार लोगो की आय में इजाफा होता है इसके कारण उनके जीवन स्तर में सुधार होता है | 

ये माटी के बर्तन पर्यावरण के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है | इससे प्रदूषण नहीं होता है | कुछ विद्वानों के अनुसार  माटी के घड़ा सुराही इत्यादि  स्वास्थ के लिए भी हितकर है| इस कारण  सरकार भी | माटी के बर्तन के उपयोग को बढ़ावा दे रही है |   इतनी जानकारी होने के बाद आइए हम मसतुआनी पर्व  को कोविड १ ९ के रोक थाम के मानको का अनुपालन  करते हुए स्वादिस्ट पकवान के साथ मनाएं | 

सामाजिक एवं व्यपारिक महत्व

सतुआनी बाहर से  काम करने वाले अपने  घर वापस आते हैं ,पुरे परिवार के साथ सतुआनी मना कर वापस लौटते है | इससे संबंध मजबूत होते है | 

सतुआनी  में  नए वस्त्र पहनने का रिवाज़ है | इससे कपड़े का बाजार में काफी चहल पहल रहती है | 

भारतवर्ष में त्योहार में स्वादिस्ट पकवान बनाने खाने खिलाने का परंपरा है | सतुआनी  में  अपने परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ खाने का रिवाज़ है | रामनवमी  में भी खाने ,पीने और मिष्ठान की काफी बिक्री होती है | इससे   व्यापार जगत में काफी मुनाफा होता है |

अस्वीकरण :  

इस आलेख में व्यक्त किए गए विचार विभिन्न लेखों]संचार माध्यमों से लिए गए है और सभी सूचनाएँ मूल रुप से प्रस्तुत की गईं है| व्यक्त किए गए विचार लेखक के निजी विचार नहीं हैं तथा इसके लिए किसी भी प्रकार से उत्तरदायी नहीं है| मानवीय भूल ,टंकण भूल भी हो सकता है इसके लिए लेखक किसी भी प्रकार से उत्तरदायी नहीं है|

रामनवमी 2024|Ramnavmi

रामनवमी २०२4 तारीख|RamNavmi|Hindi

 आज के व्यस्त जीवन में हम लोग अपने व्रत त्यौहार को लगभग भुला गए हैं | यह लेख खास कर युवा में अपने व्रत त्यौहार के प्रति जागरूकता लाने के लिये है | इस आलेख को पढ़ने के बाद अपने त्यौहार , महापुरूषो के प्रति जानकारी प्राप्त करने का रुचि विकसित होगा | इस लेख का यही  उद्देश है  इस लेख में हम लोग रामनवमी  के त्योहार के विषय  में  आवश्यक जानकारी प्राप्त करेंगे | इसके विषय की  जानकारी रहने पर हम लोग अपने जीवन एवं अन्य लोगों के जीवन में सुधार ला सकते है| अतः इस के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त करना आवश्यक है | 


राम पूजन|रामलला|अयोध्या|रामलीला | रामनवमी  के पौराणिक कथा | इतिहास |जुलूस  |चैत्र|त्योहार 

Table of contents

  1. रामनवमी २०२4 तारीख|RamNavmi|Hindi
    1. Keyword:   
      1. राम पूजन|रामलला|अयोध्या|रामलीला | रामनवमी  के पौराणिक कथा | इतिहास |जुलूस  |चैत्र|त्योहार 
    2. Table of contents
    3. रामनवमी  कब मनाया जाता है?
    4. रामनवमी  कँहा  मनाया जाता है ?
    5. रामनवमी  का इतिहास
    6.  रामनवमी    का महत्व 
    7. सामाजिक एवं व्यपारिक महत्व
    8. रामनवमी का जुलूस
      1.  Internal link :
      2. External link:

रामनवमी  कब मनाया जाता है?

भारतवर्ष में कई तरह के त्योहार मनाए जाते हैं, रामनवमी  का त्योहार उनमें बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण त्योहार माना जाता है |  रामनवमी का त्योहार हर वर्ष  चैत्र माह के शुक्ल  पक्छ के नवमीं दिवस को मनाया जाता है | इस वर्ष ,१७   अप्रैल २०२४ को रामनवमी मनाया जायेगा|  

श्री राम

श्री राम

हर वर्ष राम नवमी का त्यौहार चैत्र महीनेके शुक्ल पक्ष की नवमी तिथि  को मनाया जाता है। धार्मिक ग्रंथो   के अनुसार चैत्र महीनेके शुक्ल पक्ष की नवमी को प्रभुश्री रामचंद्र जी का जन्म हुआ था |  रामनवमी चैत्र नवरात्रि के अंतिम दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है | इस वर्ष २०२4   में चैत्र नवरात्रि  9  अप्रैल २०२४  से आरंभ हो कर लगातार १७   अप्रैल २०२४  तक है |  गर्मी के मौसम  शुरुआत  के साथ ही चैत्र नवरात्रि मनाया जाता है | यह चैत्र माह के शुक्ल  पक्छ से प्रारंभ होकर रामनवी तक चलती है |                                               

रामनवमी  कँहा  मनाया जाता है ?

        रामनवमी पुरे भारतवर्ष में  मनाया जाता है | इसके आलावा नेपाल वर्मा भूटान इत्यादि देशों में भी बहुत धूम धाम से मनाया जाता है | विदेशों में रहने बाले भारतवासी अपने देशों में धूम धाम से  रामनवमी मनाते है | 

इस वर्ष २२ जनवरी को अयोध्या में राम लला के भवय मंदिर का निर्माण संपूर्ण हुआ एवं राम बाल लला की प्राणप्रतिस्ठा की गई | इस साल अयोध्या में  रामनवमी पूजा भवय रूप में आयोजित होगी | सरयू तट पर बसे अयोध्या नगरी में रामनवमी पूजा भवय रूप में आयोजित होगी ही सरयू तट एवं नदी में आरती का भव्य आयोजन होगा |  इसके अलावा पुरे विश्व में इसे बड़े उत्साह से मनाया जायेगा | 

रामनवमी  का इतिहास

रामनवमी श्री राम  के जनम  दिवस के रूप में पुरे भारतवर्ष में  मनाया जाता है | पौराणिक मान्यता के अनुसार  भगवान श्री राम  का  जन्म चैत्र माह के शुक्ल  पक्छ के नवमीं दिवस को पुनवर्सु  नछत्र एवं कर्क लगन में हुआ था | उनके पिता का नाम राजा दशरथ  एवं माता का  नाम कौशल्या था | राजा दशरथ  अयोध्या के राजा थे | इतिहासिक प्रमाण के अनुसार श्री राम का जन्म ७३२३ ईसा पूर्ब भारतवर्ष के अयोध्या में  हुआ था | 

पौराणिक मान्यता है कि  त्रेता युग में भगवान  विष्णु ने मृत्यु लोक में  श्री राम के रूप में धरती पर असुरों के अत्याचार का नाश करने के लिए सातवाँ अवतार लिया था |  भगवान श्री राम ने धरती पर असुरो का नाश कर उनके अत्याचार  को खत्म कर के  न्याय, सत्य , सदभावना पर आधारित साम्राज्य की स्थापना की |  यह साम्राज्य  राम राज के नाम से जाना जाने लगा |ऐसे साम्राज्य की  स्थापना हर सरकार करना चाहती है | 

 भगवान श्री राम के पास असीम शक्ति थी परन्तु उन्होंने एक साधारण व्यक्ति के तरह जीवन जी कर एक आदर्श स्थापित कर दिया | उनके तरह हम लोगो को आचरण करना चाहिए | उन्होंने न्याय, सत्य , सदभावना पर आधारित साम्राज्य की स्थापना की जो आज भी प्रासंगिक है | ऐसे साम्राज्य की  स्थापना हर सरकार करना चाहती है | 

भगवान श्री राम के साथ साथ माँ सीता ,भ्राता लक्ष्मण एवं परम भक्त श्री हनुमान की भी पूजा होती है | 

भगवान  विष्णु के अन्य अवतार के विषय में यहां पढ़ें |

 रामनवमी    का महत्व 

श्री राम  के ऊपर कई ग्रन्थ अनेकों भाषा  में लिखे गए हैं | जिसमें रामयण  हिन्दुओ का एक बहुत ही पवित्र ग्रन्थ है | राम भारतवर्ष  के  जन- जन, कन -कन  में रचे बसें हैं | हर वर्ष रामनवमी में  रामयण  पर आधारित रामलीला का आयोजन कई गावों में  किया जाता है जिससे मनोरंजन के साथ साथ ज्ञान भी प्राप्त होता है | राम  के बिना भारतवर्ष की कल्पना नहीं की जा सकती है | 

सामाजिक एवं व्यपारिक महत्व

रामनवमी में बाहर रहने वाले लोग ,बाहर काम करने वाले अपने  घर वापस आते हैं ,पुरे परिवार के साथ रामनवमी मना कर वापस लौटते है | इससे संबंध मजबूत होते है | 

रामनवमी  में  नए वस्त्र पहनने का रिवाज़ है | इससे कपड़े का बाजार में काफी चहल पहल रहती है | 

भारतवर्ष में त्योहार में स्वादिस्ट पकवान बनाने खाने खिलाने का परंपरा है |  रामनवमी  में  अपने परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ खाने का रिवाज़ है | रामनवमी  में भी खाने ,पीने और मिष्ठान की काफी बिक्री होती है | इससे   व्यापार जगत में काफी मुनाफा होता है |

रामनवमी का जुलूस

कई जगहो पर रामनवमी का जुलूस निकला जाता है |जो शान्ति से कई जगहों से होता हुआ मंदिर पे समाप्त होता है | राम मर्यादा पुरुषोतम कहलाते हैं | रामनवमी मानाने का संदेश है कि श्री राम  के चरित्र का अनुकरण कर उनके जैसा बनने के लिए हमें प्रयास करना है | 


 #राम  पूजन #रामलीला #रामनवमी  के पौराणिक #कथा #इतिहास # जुलूस #चैत्र#मर्यादा#पुरुषोतम #रिवाज़#परंपरा

चैत्र नवरात्रि २०२४ तारीख| Chait Navratri 2024| Hindi

     चैती छठ 2024 | Chaati chhaath puja 2024

Protect yourself from Heatstroke.

Heat stroke-symptoms, treatment, and prevention

This article discusses recent advances in the physiology of heat stroke. It will provide deep knowledge to identify the risk factors predisposing to heat stroke.

This blog will analyze the roles of endotoxins and cytokines in producing multiple organ damage in heat stroke.

We will study the incidence of hyperthermia and fever during heat stroke and the clinical biomarkers of organs during recovery.

You will learn about protective measures and treatment modules for heat stroke to live healthily in a hot climate.


Self care | Wellness | Awareness | Tropical | Subtropical | Heat waves| cytokines| Endotoxins ||enzymes |Hypothalamus| Thermoregulation | Sweating| Eelectrolytes | Heat cramps | Syncope | Exhaustation | Heat waves|tropical areas|cytokines|endotoxins|enzymes

Table of content

  1. Heat stroke-symptoms, treatment, and prevention
    1. Table of contents
  2. What is heat stroke?
    1. Risk factor
  3. Types of heat stroke
  4. Causes of heat stroke:
  5. Pathophysiology
  6. Investigations
  7. Differential diagnosis:
  8. Signs and symptoms of heat stroke:
  9. Treatment
  10. Prognosis
  11. Checklist
  12. Prevention
  13. What is malignant hyperpyrexia?


This article is part of my mission to provide trustworthy recent health information to support the general public, patients, and professionals globally.

Here you will find human Physiology, Anatomy, and health-related topics.

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke, also known as Sunstroke, is a severe, life-threatening condition caused by extreme heat and is the last point on a continuum of heat-related illnesses.

Heat stroke will kill if not treated properly, promptly, and vigorously. It is a medical emergency.

Heat crampsè > If not treated> Heat syncope> If not managed > it will change into>heat exhaustion >If not recognized, overlooked, and treated, heat exhaustion will turn into heat stroke.

In this condition, “core body temperature rises to 105 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit with central nervous system complications.

Heat stroke develops rapidly within 10 to 15 minutes with or without alarming features. It will develop within 10 to 15 minutes after exposure to high temperatures.

Heat stroke damages the brain and other internal organs, leading to long-term sequelae or immediate death.

Risk factor

· Age: Older people ( above 60), infants, and children below five years are more prone to develop Heat stroke.

· Sex: More typical in males

· Athletes or military personnel exercise or do heavy duty during the hot daytime.

· Manual workers, a laborer working in exposed areas with sunlight

· A person who does not drink enough water and moves on an empty stomach.

· Immunocompromised persons

· People suffer from renal, cardiac, pulmonary, and metabolic diseases like Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and liver diseases.

· Malnourished persons may be underweight or overweight, in a poor nutritional state, and have starvation.

· Alcoholics, drug addicts

· Persons with morbidity and on drugs, for example, diuretics, sedatives, and tranquilizers.

Types of heat stroke

Depending upon the cause of heat stroke, it is divided into:

1. Classical heat stroke: This is heat stroke without apparent exertion.

2. Exertional heat stroke due to strenuous exercise.

The incidence of heat stroke is intimately related to the heat index, which is related to the environmental heat and the percentage of humidity in the atmosphere. We will learn about the heat index in detail later.

Causes of heat stroke:

· Prolonged exposure to high temperature

· High metabolic energy production due to exercise or hard work

· Dehydration

· Reduction of heat loss by the body.


Thermoregulation depends on the hypothalamus; the body gains heat from the environment and metabolic process, while heat loss is due to sweating and sweat’s evaporation from the body’s surface.

Due to excess heat of the body temperature, the regulatory mechanism fails.

The hypothalamus controls body temperature regulation and thermoregulation.

When exposed to heat hypothalamus:

· Decreases vessel myogenic tone, causing increased blood flow in the skin and excessive sweating. Evaporation of sweat causes heat loss from the body.

The hypothalamus reduces sympathetic discharge, causing dilatation of an AV anastomosis that causes increased blood flow to the skin. Therefore, heat loss occurs rapidly.

The hypothalamus directly stimulates sweat glands to secret more sweat.

When the temperature is very high, the hypothalamus fails to control or regulate thermoregulation.

Complex immunological and inflammatory components play vital roles in the production of heat stroke.

Thermo regulatory system or mechanism fails due to intense heat, and heat loss from the body ceases abruptly.

Reduced evaporation of sweat causes heat accumulation in the body.

Intense heat disturbs enzyme activities, and protein structures are disturbed.

Enzyme and protein disturbances damage vascular endothelium, increasing vascular permeability. When the permeability of the vessels increases, fluid escapes into the interstitial space, causing hemoconcentration. Blood volume decreases, reducing GFR and urine output with high-colored urine.

Decreased blood volume causes dehydration, reduces sweating, and conserves heat. After some time, the sensation of thirst will appear.

Decreasing blood volume causes hemo concentration, which causes platelet clumping and destruction. Cell destruction produces cytokines that damage tissues and organs.

Decreased blood volume, platelet clumping, and platelet destruction cause vascular occlusion, ischemia, tissue necrosis, and organ damage. This triggers a vicious cycle that causes more and more damage to cells and organs.

Necrosis of brain tissues produces immediate effects such as seizures, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.

Damage to the intestinal mucosa occurs. Intestinal mucosa becomes more permeable to water, other toxic substances, and bacteria in the gut.

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria enter into the gut and subsequently into circulation. This produces endotoxemia.

High circulatory level of LPS causes sepsis and inflammation. Endotoxins and cytokines produce necrosis in multiple organ failures and CNS dysfunction. Numerous organ failures lead to death; the sequel may persist long after being cured.


Diagnosis of heat stroke is based on clinical diagnosis and the patient’s history. But investigations are essential to asses patients’ conditions and to exclude other diseases.

CBC, PT (prothrombin time), PTT, Blood gas analysis, Electrolyte estimation CRP C -reactive protein

Cardio and respiratory monitoring.

Differential diagnosis:

Cerebral Malaria,


Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.


Seizuresà tonic or chronic

Renal failure


Diabetes mellitus and other metabolic endocrinal diseases due to damage of the endocrine glands conventions

Rhabdomyolysis, and

cardiopulmonary diseases.

Signs and symptoms of heat stroke:

Hyperthermia (temperature 105 degrees Fahrenheit to 106 degrees Fahrenheit, more than 40.6 degrees Centigrade) causes disorientation. Unconsciousness may occur before the development of any signs and symptoms.

In classical heat stroke -Lack of sweating, red, hot, dry skin.

During exercise-induced heat stroke, the skin is wet, damp, red, and hot.

Dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

Muscle cramps, muscle weakness, staggering.

Tachycardia, fast, rapid pulse.

Rapid shallow breathing.

Reduced urine volume and high-colored urine

Delirium, coma, and death.


If you feel that someone has had a heat stroke, call for help: dial 911, call an ambulance, and motivate others to help.

Do not hesitate to start first aid. Remember that heat stroke is always fatal without immediate medical help.

First aid :

Move the person to a cold place under a shaded space, and remove unnecessary clothes.

Wet his skin with water from a sponge or spray and fan air over the patient to speed up evaporation.

Place ice packs on the patient’s arms, groin, neck, and back.

If possible, immerse the patient in cold water or shower tub.

In Iraq, cooling with water spray was the treatment for heat stroke in 1943.

Do not use ice for the elderly, young children, and patients suffering from chronic illnesses.

In hospitals

Rapidly reduce body temperature. Put him in an air-conditioned room.

Rapidly mechanical cooling must be done to save a life.

Management of life-threatening systemic complications.

Replace electrolytes through the intravenous route. Give him fruit and vegetable juices containing electrolytes if the patient can drink. Fruit or Vegetable juices are very effective.

Monitor respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen concentration, and pulse.

Cardiac monitoring is a must, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation may be required.


The risk of death is less than 5% in exercise-induced heat stroke and more than 65% in classical heat stroke.

Thousands died in the 1995 Chicago and European heat waves in 2022.


Avoid direct sun

Avoid outdoor work and hard work,

Use a white wide-brimmed hat,

Use a thick cotton towel to protect your head, soldier, and face from sun rays when you go out the door.

No alcohol, no coffee, and no smoking.

Wear light clothes, light-colored, loose-fitting cotton clothes.

Drink excess water and fruit and vegetable juices. Sports beverages are beneficial. Drink fluids before you go outdoors.


Prevention is better than cure.

When the heat index is high, stay in a cool place.

Avoid outdoor work and hard work,

Take rest

Use a white wide-brimmed hat,

Use a thick cotton towel to protect your head, soldier, and face from sun rays when you go out the door.

No alcohol, no coffee, and no smoking.

Wear light clothes, light-colored, loose-fitting cotton clothes.

Dark-colored urine indicates dehydration, while light-colored urine is ideal.

Try spending at least 2 hours daily in an air-conditioned environment.

To avoid direct or indirect sunlight, try to rest for at least 2 hours during peak hours of the day.

The heat index rises 10-15 points in the direct sun within minutes.

After recovery, you are more prone to heat stroke; therefore, avoid hot weather and heavy exercise.

Heat index or humiture is a combined measurement of temperature and humidity computed by adding the temperature in Fahrenheit to the relative humidity and dividing it by 2.

An increase in humidity will reduce the evaporation of sweat, reduce heat losses, and increase body temperature.

What is malignant hyperpyrexia?

Malignant hyperpyrexia is a dangerous response in susceptible persons to some medicines, especially medicine used during general anesthesia, for example, Halothane.

A rapid and sustained rise in body temperature, muscle rigidity, fever, tachycardia, and metabolic acidosis characterize malignant hyperpyrexia.

Treatment is rapid cooling, drug dantrolene, and supporting treatment.

This article will be helpful for you.

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Q1.What is malignant hypertension?

A. Malignant hyperpyrexia is a dangerous response in susceptible persons to some medicines, especially medicine used during general anesthesia, for example, Halothane.

A rapid and sustained rise in body temperature, muscle rigidity, fever, tachycardia, and metabolic acidosis characterize malignant hyperpyrexia.

Q2.What are seven tips to protect yourself from the harmful effects of heat ?

A. Avoid direct sun

Avoid outdoor work and hard work,

Use a white wide-brimmed hat,

Use a thick cotton towel to protect your head, soldier, and face from sun rays when you go out the door.

No alcohol, no coffee, and no smoking.

Wear light clothes, light-colored, loose-fitting cotton clothes.

Drink excess water and fruit and vegetable juices. Sports beverages are beneficial. Drink fluids before you go outdoors.

              Protect Yourself from Cold  Weather         

Protect Yourself from Cold.

In this article, I shall discuss simple measures to reduce the effects of cold on our bodies. You will also learn about temperature regulation, features of cold exposure, and much more.


Human Physiology|Thermoregulation| Wellness| Selfcare| Self care|Positivity| Dopamine |Endorphins| Bronchoconstriction| Bronchospasm| Yoga

Table of content

  1. Keywords: 
  2. Heat loss occurs by
  3. Heat gain occurs by
  4. Hashtags: Prevention # Self-care # Wellness# Wellbeing # Health care# Human health # Human physiology# Social science


This article is part of my mission to provide trustworthy recent health information to support the general public, patients, and professionals globally.

Here you will find human Physiology, Anatomy, and health-related topics.

This article is intended for an international audience of medical care providers and learners.

This activity aims for learners to better apply the latest scientific knowledge.


Temperature changes occur worldwide. In the winter season, environmental temperatures fall. We cannot control these falls but protect ourselves from the cold climate and waves.

Tissues in our bodies perform properly within a narrow body temperature range, 35.5 to 37.5 degrees Celcius. Enzymes, hormones, and other systems perform optimally when the body temperature is within this standard limit.

Our bodies maintain the core temperature within a normal range by ‘thermoregulation.’ Peripheral temperature fluctuates to some degree and affects core temperature.

The thermoregulatory system is poorly developed in infants and children, who are more prone to colds.

The thermoregulatory system is less efficient in old age than in young age. Some diseases, like diabetes mellitus and hypertension, may be present. Because blood vessels are less flexible, the elderly are more prone to colds.

Cold weather poses significant risks to older people. The mortality rate is high during cold in older people.

Let us know about temperature regulation in our body. Body temperature depends on heat loss and heat gain from our bodies.

Heat loss occurs by

1. Conduction –when we ouch of cold objects

2. Convection- exposed in a cold climate, cold wind passes after touching our bodies.

3. Radiation –temperature transfer to the environment due to temperature differences without contact.

4. Evaporation of sweat and water vapor through expiration.

Therefore, in cold climates, we must cover our bodies with cotton clothes, woolen clothes, windcheaters, etc., and remain indoors.

Baby in proper dress, in a room.

Heat gain occurs by

1. Internal source production in the body.

2. External source-heat appliances to warm room and body.

Steps to prevent ill effects of cold:

1. We must stay indoors as far as possible. Our work is essential, but our lives are precious, and we must save ourselves.

2. We must use heating appliances, electrical or otherwise. We keep ourselves warm by drinking hot beverages, such as tea and coffee, and fluids with the proper amount of electrolytes.

3. We must wear adequate clothing to cover ourselves from toe to head: socks, gloves, scarves, hats, mufflers, jackets, and coats.

4. We must exercise and remain active. Exercise and physical activities cause sweating and remove waste metabolic products from our bodies.

Muscular activities produce energy –heat.

Physical activities release dopamine, endorphins, and other hormones that protect against depression.

We should perform breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation for mental health.

5. We must keep ourselves well-hydrated. We must drink fluid along with electrolytes to maintain health.

6. We must eat a nutritious diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber in an adequate amount to maintain normal health.

7. We must maintain personal hygiene.

8. We must not consume alcohol and must not smoke.

9. We should follow the instructions of the ‘national weather service’ and local authorities regarding cold waves and other weather conditions.

Physiological of cold exposure:

During Cold, the blood supply in peripheral parts of our bodies- fingers, toes, palms, soles, and skin- constricts to reduce heat loss. Blood flows to central internal organs, increasing strain on the heart and raising blood pressure. It may even cause myocardial infarction.

High blood pressure may cause confusion, disorientation, cerebrovascular accidents, hemiplegia, and paralysis. These effects are pronounced in old age, malnourished persons, and persons suffering from some diseases.

In our bodies, enzymes, hormones, and tissues work efficiently at average body temperature. The regulatory mechanism tries to maintain core temperature. However, it fails in extremely low temperatures. When body temperature fails, functions of enzymes, hormones, and tissues are affected adversely, leading to morbidity and mortality.

Cold air may cause reflex bronchoconstriction- bronchospasm leading to breathing difficulty.

In cold climates, the oxygen supply to tissues reduces, causing hypoxia. All cells are susceptible to hypoxia, especially the brain. When the oxygen supply to the brain is compromised, confusion, disorientation, coma, and death may occur.

How to recognize the effects of Cold:

Feeling cold, shivering, numbness in fingers and toes, weakness, lethargy, confusion, disorientation, and coma.

Your social responsibilities:

Take care of your family, relatives, friends, and others.

Remain in contact with your relatives, friends, and neighbors.

Please help others.

Keep yourself warm and healthy.

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Hashtags: Prevention Self-care # Wellness# Wellbeing # Health care# Human health # Human physiology# Social science

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Q1. How to protect from cold in winter?

A. You must dress adequately, drink warm liquids frequently, and take proper healthy food. You must remain in a warm place and avoid outdoor work.

Q.2 How do you stay healthy during the winter season?

A. By eating healthy food, frequent warm drinks, and proper clothing.

Q3.Safety tips for outdoor workers.

A. There are some tips for outdoor workers to stay safe and healthy in cold weather.

Dress properly, take frequent breaks in warm areas, and drink warm liquids. Do not take alcohol.

Disclaimer: All possible measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information; however, ‘’ does not take any liability for using any information provided by the website solely to the viewers. ‘The information is provided as an educational service and public awareness. It is not medical advice. We advise you to review a reference book in case of any doubt and more accurate and advanced knowledge.

     चैती छठ 2024 | Chaati chhaath puja 2024

प्रस्तावना : आज के व्यस्त जीवन में हम लोग अपने व्रत त्यौहार को लगभग भुला गए हैं | यह लेख खास कर युवा में अपने व्रत त्यौहार के प्रति जागरूकता लाने के लिये है | इस आलेख को पढ़ने के बाद अपने त्यौहार , महापुरूषो के प्रति जानकारी प्राप्त करने का रुचि विकसित होगा | इस लेख का यही  उद्देश है  इस लेख में हम  चैती छठ के विषय में बहुत कुछ जानेंगे |  चैती छठ कँहा कँहा होता है  इसका महत्व एवं बहुत कुछ | 

Table of contents:

चैती छठ कब से कब तक  मनाया जायेगा ?

12 अप्रैल २०२4 से चैती छठ शुरु  होगा एवं चार दिनों तक धूम धाम से मनाने के बाद १५ अप्रैल को समाप्त होगा  | 12 अप्रैल २०२4 से नहाई खाय के साथ छठ व्रत शुरु  हो जाता है | आज नहाई  खाय में कदु दाल और भात को शुद्ध रूप से   बनाया जाता है और नहाने के बाद शांत शुद्ध मन से प्राप्त -खाया जाता है | खाद्य पदार्थ अलग अलग जगहों  पे अलग अलग ढंग से बनाए जाते है |

चैती छठ किस तरह किया जाता है ?

12 अप्रैल २०२4 से नहाई खाय के साथ छठ व्रत शुरु  हो जाता है | आज नहाई  खाय में कदु दाल और भात को शुद्ध रूप से   बनाया जाता है और नहाने के बाद शांत शुद्ध मन से प्राप्त -खाया जाता है | खाद्य पदार्थ अलग अलग जगहों  पे अलग अलग ढंग से बनाए जाते है |

 दूसरे दिन खरना होता है ,जिसमे व्रती दिन में उपवास रख कर शाम को सूर्य भगवान को प्रणाम और पूजा कर अन्न ग्रहण करते है | और उसके बाद रात में कुछ व्रती सरगही करते हैं ,जबकी कुछ व्रती उसी वक्त से उपवास करते है | पूजा के तीसरे दिन शाम को अस्तगामी सूर्य भगवान को अर्घ दिया जाता है |चौथे दिन उदयमान सूर्य भगवान को अर्घ दिया जाता है और व्रत का समापन हो जाता है |

साधारणतः अर्घ स्थानीय पवित्र  नदियों पोखरों में अर्पण किया जाता है | जिसके कारण नदियों पोखरों पे बहुत भीड़ जमा हो  जाती है ,इससे व्यवस्था में दिक्त होती है ,और हादसा होने का डर रहता है  | जिससे लोग घर के छत पे या हाता में अर्घ अर्पण करतें है |   

उदयमान सूर्य भगवान को अर्घ

छठ का महापर्व साल में दो बार मनाया जाता है | एक कार्तिक छठ  है और दूसरा चैती छठ है | दोनों छठ  चार दिनों का होता है |कार्तिक छठ पूजा का विशेष महत्ब है |

चैती छठ का महा पर्व 

नवरात्रि के समय ही चार दिवसीय सूर्योपासना  चैती छठ का महा पर्व  १२ अप्रैल से प्रारंभ हो कर १५ अप्रैल के सुबह तक मनाया जायेगा | चैती छठ १२ अप्रैल से नहाय खाय से  प्रारंभ होगा ,१३ अप्रैल  को  खरने पूजन ,१४ को संध्या अर्घ एवं १५ को सुबह के अर्घ के साथ समाप्त होगा | भारतवर्ष में कई तरह के त्योहार मनाए जाते हैं, चैत्र नवरात्रि  एवं चैती छठ का त्योहार उनमें बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण त्योहार माना जाता है | 

 चैती छठ  कँहा  मनाया जाता है?

चैती छठ का महत्ब | 

छठ  पर्व में  सूर्य भगवान एवं छठ   मैया  की  पूजा होती है | छठ पर्व  हिन्दुओ का महापर्व है | परन्तु सभी धर्म के लोग बढ़ चढ़ कर हिसा लेते है |  इस पर्व में जनमानष  स्वतः घर से लेकर घाट तक सफाई करते है ,और पुरा शहर ,कस्वा,गांव  साफ हो जाता है |  अपने सर पर प्रसाद लेकर घाट तक जाते हैं | इस पर्व में सब बरावर हो जाते हैं | आस्था का सबसे  बड़ा पर्व  है |   

   पूजा आस्था का सबसे  बड़ा पर्व

 मान्यता  एवं आस्था का सबसे  बड़ा पर्व

मान्यता है की छठ मैया सूर्य भगवान के बहन हैं और जो लोग छठ  पर्व सच्चे मन से, आस्था के साथ करते हैं तो उनके सभी  मनोकामनाए  सूर्य भगवान एवं छठ  मैया  पूरा करते हैं | 

अस्वीकरण –  

इस आलेख में व्यक्त किए गए विचार विभिन्न लेखों संचार माध्यमों से लिए गए है और सभी सूचनाएँ मूल रुप से प्रस्तुत की गईं है| इस में व्यक्त किए गए विचार लेखक के निजी विचार नहीं हैं तथा इसके लिए किसी भी प्रकार से उत्तरदायी नहीं है| मानवीय भूल ,टंकण भूल भी हो सकता है इसके लिए लेखक किसी भी प्रकार से उत्तरदायी नहीं है|

इंटरनल लिंक :

                    माँ मंगला गौरी | मंदिर | पूजा 

महाविद्या  के महादेवियाँ  चैत्र नवरात्रि %e0%a4%9a%e0%a5%88%e0%a4%a4%e0%a5%8d%e0%a4%b0-%e0%a4%a8%e0%a4%b5%e0%a4%b0%e0%a4%be%e0%a4%a4%e0%a5%8d%e0%a4%b0%e0%a4%bf-%e0%a5%a8%e0%a5%a6%e0%a5%a8%e0%a5%aa-%e0%a4%a4%e0%a4%be%e0%a4%b0%e0%a5%80/

  1. चैती छठ कब से कब तक  मनाया जायेगा ?
  2. चैती छठ किस तरह किया जाता है ?
  3.  चैती छठ  कँहा  मनाया जाता है?
  4. चैती छठ का महत्ब | 
  5.  मान्यता  एवं आस्था का सबसे  बड़ा पर्व
    1. अस्वीकरण –