Conn’s syndrome

3.Signs and symptoms

Conn’s syndrome, primary hyperaldosteronism, or primary aldosteronism is due to excessive aldosterone secretion from the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex.’

Incidence:-very rare

Cause: 1. Unilateral or bilateral adenoma of the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex.

2. Rarely, it may be due to congenital defects.

3. Very rarely unilateral or bilateral cancerous growth of zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland.

Signs and symptoms: Aldosterone controls sodium and potassium levels in the blood. Excess aldosterone causes increased sodium retention in the body and increased potassium excretion from the body.

Increased sodium retention in the body causes water retention and, therefore, increased blood pressure. The condition manifests as hypertension and complications of hypertension such as headache, stroke and heart attack, heart failure, and renal failure.

Increased potassium excretion from the body causes low potassium -hypokalemia. Features of hypokalemia manifest in (a) the heart, such as irregularities of the heart rhythm, and (b) the muscles, such as weakness, fatigue, inability to walk, and tetany.

Marked weakness

Polyuria -increased frequency of urination, polydipsia -increased and excessive thirst.




  1. Increased level of aldosterone in plasma and urine(.normal level in plasma is 3-10 ng%)

2. Increased plasma level of sodium. (normal135-145 mEq/L)

3. Decreased plasma level of potassium ( normal3.5-5 mEq/l)

4. Features of metabolic alkalosis.

5. computerized tomography (CT) scan.

6. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)

Prognosis: Medical treatment: Conn’s syndrome can be managed by drugs.

Surgical treatment: surgical removal of adrenal gland tumor- adenoma can cure Conn’s syndrome.

Prevention: Conn’s syndrome can not be prevented.


Lifestyle changes are helpful-exercise, salt (sodium )restriction, potassium-rich fruits in the diet, no smoking, no alcohol, and no heavy work.

Medical: drugs-spironolactone block aldosterone actions.

Surgical: They may be removed if this is due to adenoma/tumors. Treat the cause.

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