Antioxidants| Self care| Health

Antioxidants are substances or molecules that neutralize or remove the free radicals and prevent their formation. In addition, they perform various critical bodily functions and are essential for a healthy life.

Antioxidants prevent the autooxidation of fats, thus reducing the formation of free radicals and reacting with formed free radicals.

Antioxidants are essential for life.

              Protect Yourself from Cold  Weather         

Temperature changes occur worldwide. In the winter season, environmental temperatures fall. We cannot control these falls but protect ourselves from the cold climate and waves.

      Total Body Water

body water refers to water in the human body. Water covers about 70 to 75% of Earth’s surface. It is present everywhere and in large amounts in living organisms, including humans. In humans, it accounts for about 60% of total body weight. Life is not possible without water. We can not survive without water.

  Liver Donation                                                   

Liver donation is a pious act of charity. If you donate your liver to someone, you are prolonging his life. You are bestowing life on him.

It is unlike kidney donation, where one whole kidney is removed and donated. In liver donation, only some part of your liver is removed.

                      Who can Donate Blood in India?

Men and women between 18 to 65 years and weighing 50 kilograms can donate blood safely.

Transgender people and gays can’t donate blood in India, according to existing law. Men can donate blood every three months, and women can donate every four months.